Best Uniforms: Part II
Well, here they are. The top three best looking uniforms in all of NCAA Football. Remember, these are my picks. So if you disagree, let me know where I am wrong.
3. Southern California home uniform. This is tough. Most of the time when you pair crimson, or maroon or a dark reddish color like SC’s with something it turns out awful (South Carolina, Virginia Tech). But the Trojans wear it with style and it’s one of the best looking uniforms going. Again, all those wins and rings make the uniform look all that much better but still, this “retro-forward” look is sweet. (Did I just make up a new fashion term? Nice)
2. Michigan home uniform. Sorry, it just looks good. The bright yellow…sorry, maize and blue look perfect together. And whatever that is on the helmet gives the Wolverines style and uniqueness. It did at least, until Delaware caught on and put it on their helmets. This should be taken as a compliment. This uniform is simple, but will never look old.
1. Clemson home alternate, orange on orange. I know this one is a bit of a shocker. But if you’ve never been in Death Valley when the Tigers run down that hill into a sea of orange, dressed in orange from head to toe, you probably can’t understand. TV almost doesn’t do it justice. The Orange is so overwhelming almost to the point of nausea, but in a good way. These uniforms have always looked good and it just represents the fun of college football. It almost makes up for the Tigers awful uniforms any time they wear purple.

Dude. Either you have relatives at SC or Clemson, or you are color blind.
The University of Washington home, Michigan home and ND away look classic and instantly recognizeable.
Cal jerseys last Sat. (10/7/06)
Cal Jersey? It looked like ridiculous Oregon uniform spinoff (and why would you copy the horrible ducks?). I can only hope that when you say "Sick" you mean that which could make you vomit.
You are absolutely right about Clemson! I wish they'd get rid of those purple uniforms... SOLID ORANGE, BABY!!!
Yeah man, just like the Ducks w/all that green and black huh? Anyway's why not speak to your teams unis? Anyways, whatever the jersey, Cal is lookin' great!!! (So don't hate)
LOL Washington? Who even watches UW game? Anonymous #1, you're a dope. I agree with the Michigan home unis, but Notre Dame's aren't that remarkable outside of the gold helmets.
Good article.
Orange on Orange is no doubt the best. Football coaches all around the country recognize that. The first time we went Orange on Orange was against our rival and we stomped them. I'd say Oregon is second place. Go Tigers.
I completely agree with Clemson tigers uniform. You just have to be there on gameday to experience the "sea of orange". One of the greatest college football experiences.
No relatives for me at Clemson or SC, that I know of...they just have sweet unis!
U Dub? They're not bad man, but can't rank them ahead any of these on my list...but your team is your team so enjoy.
You're def right about CLEMSON'S Orange on Orange...When you walk into that stadium and see 85,000 ORANGE CLAD fans, it truly is one of the best experiences in college football...that town of Clemson is BUILT around college football....the student section is willlld!
I am not a OHIO ST fan, but those uniforms are great. Michigan St with that Green and White, so clean. I also like the Colorado BLK/GLD, too bad the team is terrible. Not feeling the USC vote, I am a UCLA fan. I do like the Orange uniforms of Clemson, but not at #1.
Don't care for #3. USC just looks dated! Michigan is good, Penn State is better, and the Clemson's all Orange is awesome!
Perhaps, most overlooked, the Virginia Tech all maroon. Now 5-0.
What about the University of Miami Hurricanes home jersey?
Or Even Texas Longhorns
I got it a coincidence that Tyrone Willingham changed the Huskie unis, helments and colors to looke EXACTLY like Notre Dame???
Here's a dope list of the best uniforms in college football ...
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